
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Geek Gear: Tetris Ice Cube Tray

Tetris Ice Cube Maker
Alright, now this may be the coolest of all of the Tetris gear I've seen. It's a Tetris ice cube tray that creates all of the basic Tetris shapes made out of ice.

This just sounds endless hours of mindless fun to me. I would be that person that would buy, like, 15 of them, add food dye to water and make colored frozen blocks and then spend an entire evening playing my own home-made frozen Tetris game. Hey, don't judge! I write for a geek blog, what do you want?

But, if you're normal, you'd just serve drinks to your guest with Tetris block shaped ice cubes in them and smile as they sip from the glasses, blissfully unaware that in the liquid swirling around are the shapes from a video game come to frozen life.


Okay, maybe I am weirder than I thought.

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