
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Days of Zombie Infestation: Day 2 - Tales From The Crypt Vol. 8: Diary of a Stinky Dead Kid

Tales From the Crypt Vol. 8
Sure, the Zombie spoof of Diary of a Wimpy Kid was already done with Diary of a Zombie Kid. But this is Tales From the Crypt! The "Stinky Dead Kid" is featured in two stories. In the first, the "wimpy" kid gets infected and becomes a zombie. The second story also has a vampire it in and features the continued adventures of the "Stinky Dead Kid."

I'm pretty sure the folks who did the Diary of a Zombie Kid got sued or something from the Wimpy Kid people because they ended up changing the name of their comics to just "Zombie Kid" and the covers don't look as similar to the Wimpy Kid covers anymore. The folks over at Papercutz probably took notice of this which is why they clearly labeled the cover PARODY.

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