
Sunday, October 21, 2012

1LR Misses Marvel Media Mania Deadline

Where are you, Torn?
Where are you, Dangerous?
Alright, I'm man enough to admit it - I blew it. For the first time in over a year, I missed one of my self-imposed deadlines for Marvel Media Mania. I didn't anticipate how difficult it would be to watch the X-Men motion comics Torn and Dangerous.

I tried to borrow them from friends. I tried to watch them online. I tried Netflix. No luck! So if you know of a good site that I could watch them on, please let me know. I'm trying to avoid having to actually BUY the things! To make it worse, another one is coming out in early November! Gah!

So I sincerely apologize for my missed deadline. I absolutely HATE it when an RPG, comic book, or video game is late so I know how you feel. I'll make it up to you, I promise!

One way or another, I WILL get my hands on those motion comics and review them for you, faithful reader. Be patient! As it is, we're moving on to the Fantastic Four block, having "wrapped" the X-Men block for now.

Fantastic Four - Forward!

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