
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Teaching Comics and Graphic Narratives (Book)

Comics Get Respected
One of the great trends in the comic book industry is seeing comic books being accepted in academic circles. Where once they were derided as trash literature that will rot your brain and turn you into a slack jawed idiot now those in education are beginning to view comics as high-interest reading materials for reluctant readers as well as a creative way to grab the attention of students in a technological age.

Thus, "Teaching Comics and Graphic Narratives" is a perfectly timed book. Sure, this book isn't for everybody. But for those that want to gain some insight into using comic books as learning tools and the educational value of comics this tome is a gem. After all, who would have ever thought that you can teach everything from reading, math, social studies, science, and evil ethical and cultural studies from comic books!

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