
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Junior Achievement Promotes Magic: The Gathering!

Magic: The Gathering decks for sale at JA Biztown!
Junior Achievement is a great program that provides a lot of interactive opportunities to students that blend many disciplines together. One such opportunity is JA Biztown - a miniature city run by kids! Kids can earn paychecks and have the opportunity to buy real merchandise. I have visited JA Biztown several times and I was quite surprised on my last visit to see Magic: The Gathering cards for sale there!
They had several mono-color decks for sale - one for each color. I looked at them and they really did a great job at building simple, well balanced decks.

Way to go, JA Biztown! I saw several kids purchase cards and were trying to figure out how to play. I even got to show one young man how to play. I'll blog about that soon.

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