
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Game Night for Renew Community Church

The gentlemen at Keystone Gaming Society and I are going to be putting on a game night at Renew Community Church this Sunday evening from 6-8. RCC meets at the Strictly Fitness gym in York, PA.

The purpose of the game night is to have a fun family time where folks who aren't gamers can try out some of the more common strategy board games in a non-threatening atmosphere. It's really great to see a group of gamers reach out into the community to promote gaming. Way to go, KGS!

Here are the games that are going to be run:

Brian - Fluxx
Sam - Carcassonne
Brett - Ticket to Rider (American Map)
Bryan- Axis and Allies Miniatures
Chris - Word on the Street
Dave - Settlers of Catan
Me - Pass the Pigs

It should be a lot of fun. I'll report back to you after the event to let you know how it went.

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