
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brett Stoner Retires From Comic Store West

Brett Stoner, part owner, of Comic Store West retired today. I couldn't let the occasion pass without stopping in to his retirement party and grabbing some cake. Brett has been in the comics industry for 25 years now. That's quite a feat given the fact that the majority of comic book stores go out of business in the first five years. I'll miss seeing Brett's welcoming face behind the counter at CSW. Brett was always willing to discuss or debate whatever hot topic I had on my mind and I appreciate that. Furthermore, Brett is responsible for the formation of the Keystone Gaming Society, of which I am a member. CSW isn't without hope for the future, however - Brett leaves the store in the capable hands of Brian Waltersdorff and Joe Miller with Scott as the manager.

Superman isn't really sad... he just uses any excuse  to cuddle with  Wonder Woman.

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