
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5,000 Pageviews!

Wow! 1LR is gaining more steam than a runaway locomotive going downhill! I'm not sure exactly when it happened (since my computer died a few days ago) but I'm sure it was in the last two or three days - 1LR now has over 5,000 pageviews! It was only on October 11 that we had 2,500 pageviews... I'll take doubling our total in less than a month! I promise I won't toot my own horn again until 10,000... it's just nice to know that all of this work isn't for naught! I'm having a blast running this blog and it's all because of you. Thanks for reading!

Now, let's look at something that's 5,000 pounds...
KGS - 12,414

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