
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Kid #6 - Cabin Fever

I'll admit it. I'm a Diary of a Wimpy Kid fan. I've read them all and I think the books are brilliant. The juxtaposition of the words and the images is brilliantly done. I routinely laugh out loud (for real) when I'm reading a Wimpy Kid book. Greg, the main character, is blissfully unaware of how others view him. To him, he's the center of the universe so when he describes the action in words, often times the images reveal the truth to comedic effect. At other times, the pictures show Greg's fantasies or illustrate Greg's plain statements with hyperbole.

So, it is with great interest that I anticipate Diary of a Wimpy Kid #6: Cabin Fever! It almost doesn't matter what the book is about. As long as it keeps that trademark Wimpy Kid wit, I'm sure it'll be a great read.

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