
Monday, September 19, 2011

Full Dark, No Stars - Book Review - Summary

To summarize the reviews of Full Dark, No Stars, Stephen King's latest collection of short stories...

Overall, this book is worth reading, especially if you're a Stephen King fan. It's has been rare that he produces something truly worth reading lately.

Of the four stories, Fair Extension is the best but A Good Marriage is a close second. It's a shame that A Good Marriage is so similar to the prior story, Big Driver, because Big Driver is inferior. 1922 only stands out because it is the only story without a "happy ending. What's with all of the happy endings in this book? King, give me good old fashioned univeral justice! When somebody does something bad, bad things happen to them - that's how the world works!

Full Dark, No Stars - Overall Rating
1LR Review - 14 out of 20 - It's a Hit!

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