
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Attention: Comic Book Store Retailers! Want Sales? Let Me Punch You.

Obviously leader in the comic book industry, AlleyCat Comics (outside of Chicago, IL) has launched a revolutionary incentive program. Make fifty purchases and you get to punch a store employee in the stomach. Seriously. I spoke with a very friendly female employee on the phone and she informed me that there is no minimum purchase - any sale counts toward the fifty purchases! So, essentially, if you're a regular comic book subscriber and pick up your comics loyally every week, you'll earn your free jab to the gut of a comic store employee. That's awesome. I'm thinking other comic book stores need to up the ante to keep pace with the revolutionaries at AlleyCat Comics. Maybe "Mace an employee" or "Taze an employee." I sure hope AlleyCat Comics gives its employees good medical coverage. And I also hope Chuck Norris doesn't subscribe there.
AlleyCat Comics has only been around for four months or so and you can give them some love at!/alleycatcomics or at

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